Business & Career Human Design Consultation

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Business & Career Human Design Consultation


The keys to unlocking the full creative potential of Human Design in business are found in your unique body graph. These keys reveal the hidden potential in your career type, your decision-making strategy, and indicators of success that will leverage your energy in a powerful and effective way.

Would you like to find true satisfaction and success in your career and business? Would you like insight into the ideal methods of interacting with partners, work team and clients? Would you like to contribute your unique energy in a more productive and authentic way?

You will begin to work with your unique career design, rather than against it. You’ll break free from past patterns that limit your business achievements. You will learn where and how you are best designed to be successful, so you can fully utilize the gifts, talents, and attributes you are here to share with the world.


In Person, Phone or Skype/ZOOM with Human Design Consultant Althea Mortensen

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Althea Mortensen is creator of the Make Love to Your Monty program, the Iconic Woman and Wealth by Design. She helps women in business and online entrepreneurs to develop a new relationship with money and guides you through the Awakening Process.