Personal Human Design Consultation

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Personal Human Design Consultation


Do you feel you’ve reached the limits of hard work and effort, and feel burnt out and resistant? Would you like to gain new insights and experience a breakthrough? Would you like to create more allowing and ease in your life?

You’ll begin to free yourself from limiting beliefs and constricted action and gain insight into what keeps you stuck. You will feel empowered to make the changes you desire and experience personal and business expansion and growth. You will create more ease and gratitude in your life, allowing you to experience greater joy.


In Person, Phone or Skype/ZOOM with Human Design Consultant Althea Mortensen

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Althea Mortensen is creator of the Make Love to Your Monty program, the Iconic Woman and Wealth by Design. She helps women in business and online entrepreneurs to develop a new relationship with money and guides you through the Awakening Process.