Grab a cup of tea and dive into the blog on all things love, pleasure, desire & intimacy!
M is for Myths: Five Common Myths That Harm Your Relationship
As a therapist I see numerous relationships that are impacted negatively by the inaccurate myths that are thrown at us from the media, Facebook, porn, romance books, religion, trying-to-be-helpful parents or friends.
With the numerous inaccurate and negative messages out there that create harmful myths I want to help you re-examine what is good and what isn’t when it comes to sustainable relationships. Here are five of those myths…
L is for Love with Balance - The Importance of Balancing Interests to Sustain Love
Last week I talked about the 4 simple ingredients for keeping your relationship happy and one of those main ingredients was to show interest in your partner’s interests. This is an important main ingredient because you want to make sure that the things your partner is interested in you also show interest in. This doesn’t mean a total jump-in of your partner’s interests, however…
K is for K.I.S.S.: The 4 Main Relationship Ingredients for Keeping it Simple
Nowadays the internet totally bombards us with all these different ways to make your relationship better. Things like “how to spice up your relationship” or “how to have your partner want to have sex with you” and “ These are the new 5 sex position to try”.
Don’t get me wrong, spicing up the relationship is not inherently a bad thing. A fun new sex position to try out can certainly add flavor BUT you want to be careful you aren’t adding the spice before you …
J is for Just One Thing: How to Focus On Just One Thing to Create Big Relationship Results
Relationships take work but that doesn’t mean you have to be drowning in doing a ton of things. That would be a recipe for burnout and disaster. Instead you want to focus on one thing at a time and keep it small and simple. This allows for consistency, which is a key piece to …
I is for Intentional Intimacy: How Depending on Spontaneity Will Kill Your Relationship
Leaning on spontaneous sex to run a satisfying sex life is a trap that many of us fall into because we aren’t given any help on how to do things differently. And don’t even get me started on …
H is for Helping your Partner Love You: Two Secrets for Relationship Success
I hate to be the one to break the news to you but try as you may you don’t have superpowers. I know! It’s a total bummer to know you won’t ever have any awesome mind-reading powers like Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men mutants.
Not only can you not read your partner’s mind but…
G is for Groundedness: Using Intentional Breathing and Focus for Relationship Happiness
Two key components for growing and sustaining a happy long-term relationship involves intentionality about being grounded within as well as focusing on the good of the relationship.
Step One: Focus on Being Grounded Within
When sustaining long-term relationships you have to take ownership around managing your own emotions and stress. Coming from a grounded place within yourself is key to…
F is for Five Love Languages: Building Emotional Intimacy in Your Relationship
How exactly do we give love and how do we receive love? And importantly, what does it have to do with sex and intimacy?
Sexual intimacy is a key piece that adds the yummy flavor to a relationship. It’s the bread and the butter but we often forget one very important ingredient to help with sexual intimacy, and that is emotional intimacy. It is the essential piece that is vital to ...