How to Have a Life Full of Pleasure

A new pleasure paradigm is birthed into the world when we as women allow ourselves to open and surrender to feeling the all the delicious pleasure of life from each moment to the next. From each day to the next. And each year to the next.

Our life being a beautiful storybook where at the end we look back on our life and smile in complete satisfaction at how much we felt and experienced in our lives. The climactic ending being where we exhale for the last time in pure celebratory ecstasy. 

How do we do this though?

How do we live a life full of pleasure?

How do we hold our intimate connection with pleasure in a way that weaves through our life in a sustainable way?

Where do we find this pleasure?

Sustainable pleasure occurs when we sustain a sacred intimate relationship with life itself.

Not keeping pleasure in the shadows. But front and center for all to see. And most importantly… for us to see and feel fully ourself.

Our breath keeps us alive as humans but pleasure… pleasure is what sustains the life of our femininity. Of our sacred womanhood. When we honor this we are then invited to devote our life to having an intimate relationship with pleasure.

Allowing pleasure to be what fuels out life, rather than pain.

Allowing your sensuality to fill your being, rather than shame.

Pleasure is everywhere.

It’s in the aroma of the coffee you hold. It’s in the moments the sun kisses your cheek. It’s in the moment watching your kids giggle as they play. It’s in knowing your worth. It’s in the touch of your lover’s fingers on the inside of your thigh. It’s in your orgasms. It’s in the knowing of your divine existence.

Pleasure is found in the present moment.

When you hold that connection to the present moment and fully receive it … that is pleasure.

If you want a life of pleasure. It’s created in the now.

Do you not feel worthy of it? Do you fear it? Do you think you need to do something and be performative in order to be intimate with pleasure? Do you hide from pleasure? Avoid it? Numb out to it?

Notice where you unplug from pleasure. Where you resist it. Where you disrupt your connection. This awareness allows you to make the shifts you need to sustain pleasure in your life. To expand your capacity for being with pleasure. Opening. Surrendering. Receiving. 

Pleasure-led women will change the world.

Noticing where we as women can open, surrender and breathe in the fragrant nature of the pleasure in our life in all forms is the key. Allowing our bodies to become more and more connected with this energy in the world. Feeling the safety of pleasure, which allows us to open more and become more receptive to pleasure’s loving touch.

Sustain the truth of pleasure: that it’s safe and it’s all yours to receive. You have full permission for pleasure in ALL areas of your life.

It’s time to have the most romantic love story with pleasure…. with your LIFE! To lead your life from pleasure. To live like as one big Pocket of Pleasure™️. Imagine a world where all of us women are living from pleasure. The ripple effect when we are rooted in pleasure will positively impact you, and also everyone and everything around us.

What a wonderful world that would be.

Ready to dive in deeper?

Read more:
Expanding Your Capacity for Pleasure

Explore more:
Deepen your relationship with your pleasure and Sexual Self with the Sexual Self Reflection Journal

Expand more:
Schedule an Intentional Intimacy® Introductory Coaching Session


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